phoenix |ˈfēniks|
noun(in classical mythology) a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle.• a person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect.
The end of a former era and the beginning of a new.  Welcome to my next cycle as I being working on both my blog and my website once again.  Keep watching, you won't want to miss this!

Quad Photos and 2819 Conference

Took some photos of Erin's quadmates at the end of the school year and they turned out great.

Here are a few of them:

I also worked on some photos from the 2819 missions conference and a recent Student Government Chapel. Here is one of the more animated speakers and some photos of my old housemate John Ottens preaching up a storm!

Happy Birthday!!! (to me!)

It was great having my little brother out for my birthday; first time I've had family around for my birthday in four years!  It's been an absolute blessing having him around and then next week my Dad is coming through town for a few days.  So nice to see family : )

While Phil was here he shot a video clip of a monkey serenading me with it's birthday melodies.  Go check it out at his blog.

Hockey Opener

Here are some shots from this weekend as they played their first home game


Phil's around for a few days so we'll see what photos I end up with this week.  Already learned a few new tricks : )

And it's my birthday tomorrow (yay!), oh so very very excited for it

Family Photos . .

Went to visit the Riley household this weekend and took a few family photos while we were there.  They turned out quite beautifully making use of the lovely fall colours.  One of my favourites is this self portrait of Erin and I (taken with a tripod, 10 second timer and quick feet).

My beautiful wife and I : )

The Riley Sisters

Me and my in-laws, the wonderful Rileys

They are too cute!
It's been a crazy week, shooting all the sports Briercrest has to offer in one weekend.  The past alumni of each team came to play in some exhibition games and yours truly got to shoot them all.  It wouldn't be so bad except that Erin and I are both sick as dogs right now, so I'm just glad I didn't keel over while hanging out on top of the bleachers.  With that said, here are a few photos that I gave to Boss (Rob, head of Briercrest's Communications Department, aka my boss). 

Got to try out a pair of AlienBees at the Basketball game for like 15 minutes.  A little tricky to get used to the timing but when it works it works : )

Hopefully I'll get another chance to use them, a little more practice and I could get some sweet shots.  

Wednesday will be headshot day for Resonant so stay tuned for that.  

If you prefer your news in picture form . . .

Then check out this link.  Phenomenal pictures from around the world, make sure you go check it out.

Spent 10 hours shooting events this weekend between Friday morning chapel and Alumni Weekend for the sports teams so there ought to be at least a few good shots in there.  I'll throw some up once I've gone through them.